Spiradrill, founded in 1982, is a family company driven by a dedicated team who bring a sense of personal pride to everything we do. Building upon the values instilled by our founder, Jerry Wilkinson, quality and reliability are foundational to the rigs we build. This is why Spiradrill has earned a reputation as an industry leader.Spiradrill provides the highest quality and most reliable hydraulic drilling rigs in the industry by listening to our customers and partners. Your feedback is combined with our drive for innovation and a company-wide mission to build only the best. The result is machines functionally designed for easy operation, simple maintenance, and low downtime. In addition, we work with our customers directly to customize products to fit their unique requirements.Our entire line of drilling rigs and tools is available through direct sales and a trusted distributor network. And every day our equipment proves itself in a variety of industries, including utility, commercial, signal and lighting, oilfield, dewatering, landfill, and department of transportation.Beyond our products, exceptional customer service and support are cornerstones of Spiradrill. We are passionate about providing a superior and friendly experience every time we interact with our customers and partners.


Steve McKay

President and CEO

Mike Glaude

Vice President of Sales

Jim Foster

Director of Manufacturing

Matt Merchant

Director of Product Development



Spiradrill is committed to the communities where we live and work with a focus of enriching lives and making a lasting impact.




Spiradrill strives to be a workplace destination for our community. We’re always interested in energetic people looking for a career with a team-oriented company that takes great pride in producing the highest quality products. Click here to download our Employment Application. Once completed, email the Employment Application to our human resources.